*Lopes, E. R., Soares, J. R., Simões, J., & Duarte, E. (2024). Tourism and management of Railway heritage resources. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 536–545 (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74828-8_47)
*Duarte, E., Lopes, E. R., Simões, J., Soares, J., & Constantino Figueira, M. (2024). Tourism on the ecopistas as a factor in the preservation of railway cultural heritage. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 106-114 (ISSN:2659-3580).
*Duarte, E., Lopes, E. R., Simões, J., Soares, J., & Constantino Figueira, M. (2024). Tourism on the ecopistas as a factor in the preservation of railway cultural heritage. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 106-114 (ISSN: 2659-3580).
*Lopes, E. (18.01.2024/03:18). O Turismo Ferroviário. Radio Hertz, Tomar (92FM-98FM).
*Lopes, E. (04.04.2024/03:23). O Turismo e a Gestão dos Recursos do Património Ferroviário. Radio Hertz, Tomar (92FM-98FM).
*Lopes, E. (13.06.2024/02:20). A importância das estações de caminho de ferro e dos recursos patrimoniais ferroviários. Radio Hertz, Tomar (92FM-98FM).
*Lopes, E. (25.07.2024/04:01) – Os museus e educação: aplicado à valorização do património ferroviário. Radio Hertz, Tomar (92FM-98FM).
*Lopes, E., Sousa, B., Simões, J.; Marques, C. & Rego, C. (2024, 11 julho). Museums and education: gamification applied to the valuation of railway heritage. International Conference in Information Technology & Educations - ICITED´24. 11, 12 and 13 july 2024.
*Lopes, E., Simões, J. Rego, C. Ferreira, A. & Marques, C. (2024, 06 junho). Rail transport network and mobility: cultural-tourist management perspective of crafts. 7th International Scientific Conference on Craftraftsmanship – its Local, Regional and International Dimension"Craft - the path from small business to success - synergies, challenges, opportunities. CILRAID 2024, Opole.
*Duarte, E., Lopes, E. R., Simões, J., Soares, J., & Constantino Figueira, M. (2024, 22 de fevereiro). Turismo nas ecopistas como um fator na preservação do património cultural ferroviário. X Congreso Internacional Científico-Profesional de Turismo Cultural. La cultura como património de identidad de los pueblos. Córdoba22 y 23 de febrero de 2024.
*Lopes, E., Sousa, B., Simões, J., Marques, C.G., Rego, C. (2025). Museums and Education: Gamification Applied to the Enhancement of Railway Heritage. In: Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., Mesquita, A., Sousa Pinto, A., Mendonça Teixeira, M. (eds) Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology. ICITED 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 859. Springer, Cham. (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-78155-1_7).
*Lopes, E. (2024, 08 fevereiro). Tourism and Museums: awareness of heritage enhancement. International Conference on Cultural Tourism and Museum Management (ICCTMM- 2024). 8th - 9th Feb 2024, Glasgow,UK.
*Lopes, E. R. (2024, 10 de maio). Gestão museológica numa perspetiva de sensibilização e valorização territorial. INVTUR2024. International Conference Tourism in unprecedented times: Looking for new directions. University of Aveiro, Portugal, 8th to 10th May 2024 (Conference Proceedings, vol.1. https://proa.ua.pt/index.php/invtur/issue/view/1308).
*Duarte, E., Lopes, E. R., Simões, J., Soares, J., & Constantino Figueira, M. (2024, March 22). Tourism on the ecopistas as a factor in the preservation of railway cultural heritage. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 7(2), 106-114. Retrieved from https://www.jthr.es/index.php/journal/article/view/561
*Lopes, E. R; Soares, J. R.; Simões, J.; Duarte, E. (2024, 10 de maio). Tourism and management of railway heritage resources. ICMTT´24 – International Conference on Management, Tourism, and Technologies. 9th and 11th of May. Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru.
*Almeida, D. & Lopes, E. (2024, 21 junho). Eventos, transporte ferroviário e governança. X Encontro Científico UI&D´24. Santarém.
*Santos, D. & Lopes, E. (2024, 21 junho). Mobilidade e recursos patrimoniais ferroviários. X Encontro Científico UI&D´24. Santarém.
*Mendes, L. & Lopes, E. (2024, 21 junho). VISITAÇÃO TURÍSTICA E CULTURAL: estação ferroviária e acessibilidade ao património. X Encontro Científico UI&D´24. Santarém.
*Oliveira, B.; Lopes, E. & Simões, J. (2024, 21 junho). A importância das ferrovias para o desenvolvimento cultural, turístico e sustentável dos destinos. X Encontro Científico UI&D´24. Santarém.
*Lopes, E.R., Soares, J.R., Simões, J., Duarte, E. (2024). Tourism and Management of Railway Heritage Resources. In: Rocha, Á., Montenegro, C., Pereira, E.T., Victor, J.A.M., Ibarra, W. (eds) Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies. ICMTT 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1191. Springer, Cham. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-74828-8_47.
*Lopes, E., Simões, J. & Figueira, M. C. (19 Noviembre, Córdoba, 2024). The AO.RI route: socioeconomic impacts on a railway destination. CIGESTUR - Congreso Internacional Gestión Turística del Patrimonio. 19 e 20 de novembro. Universidad de Córdoba. Códiba, Espanha.
*Lopes, E. & Simões, J. (19 Noviembre, Córdoba, 2024). Model railway: cultural and tourism exhibitions. CIGESTUR - Congreso Internacional Gestión Turística del Patrimonio. 19 e 20 de novembro. Universidad de Córdoba. Códiba, Espanha.
*Lopes, E. (10 novembro, 2024). Recursos Patrimoniais territoriais numa perspetiva de gestão sustentável. ENEP – Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Património. Sala de Conferências do palácio de D. Manuel I, Évora (9 e 10 de novembro 2024), Portugal.
* Lopes, E., & Simões, J. (30 october 2024). Railway heritage attractiveness and sustainability in the tourist and cultural offer of the destination(s). ICOTTS’24 - International Conference on Tourism Technology and Systems. 30-31 October 2024 - Madeira, Portugal.
*Lopes, E. R., Soares, J., Simões, J. & Figueira, M. C. (28 de novembro, 2024). Event management and rail mobility. ITC´24 - International Tourism Congress 2024. Atlantic Technical University, Mindelo, Cabo Verde (27th to 29th November 2024).
*Lopes, E. R., Simões, J., Rego, C., Duarte, E. & Marques, C. G. (28 de novembro, 2024). Tourism, railway(s)& Marquesrial development. ITC´24 - International Tourism Congress 2024. Atlantic Technical University, Mindelo, Cabo Verde ( 27th to 29th November 2024).
*Lopes, E. (2024). Railway Tourism and Territorial Development (ebook). ISBN:978-989-9170-07-0 (no prelo).
*Lopes, E. (2025). Glossário Ilustrado aplicado aos recursos ferroviários (ebook). (no prelo)
*Lopes, E., Sousa, B., Simões, J., Marques, C.G., Rego, C. (2025). Museums and Education: Gamification Applied to the Enhancement of Railway Heritage. In: Abreu, A., Carvalho, J.V., Mesquita, A., Sousa Pinto, A., Mendonça Teixeira, M. (eds) Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology. ICITED 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 859. Springer, Cham. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-78155-1_7.